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作  者: 朱俊高
出 版 社: 科学出版社
出版时间: 2007
版  次: 页  数: 244
字  数: 包  装: 精装
I S B N: 9787030189 开  本:
原  价: 100.00 < 访  问: 308
¥75.00 ¥100.00 <
¥75.00 ¥100.00 <
¥75.00 ¥100.00 <
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Soil Rheology
1.2 Backgroud of Present Research
1.3 Importance of Viscous Effects in Engineering Practice
1.4 Objective of Present Study
1.5 Outline of This Book
Chapter2 Review of Literature
2.1 Two Hypotheses on Creep Defromation
2.2 Strain-Rate Effects
2.3 Creep Behaviour
2.4 Stress Relaxation
2.5 Influence of Temperature on Viscosity of Soil
2.6 Modelling of Stress-strain-time Behaviour of Clay
2.7 Viscous Effects in Sand
Chapter3 Apparatus Testing Techniques and Soil
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Testing APparatus
3.3 Testing Techniques
3.4 Prepartion of Samples of HKMD
3.5 Physical Properties of RHKMD
3.6 Mechanical Parameters of PHKMD
Chapter4 Investigation of Strain-Rate Effects
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Experimental Program
4.3 Test Results of Inotropically Consolidated Specimens
4.4 Analysis of Test Results of Isotropically Consolidated
4.5 Tests of K0-Consolidated Specimens
4.6 Step-Changed Constant Strain Rate Tests Combined With
4.7 Failure Mode of Specimens Sheared at Variour Strain Rates
4.8 Summary and Conclusions
Chapter5 Creep Behaviour of RHKMD in Triaxial Tests
5.1 Testing Program
Chapter6 Behaviour of Stress Relaxation
Chapter7 An Elastic Viscoplastic Model and its Verifation
Chapter8 EVP Model ApplicationI:Modelling an Ideal Foundation on HKMD
Chapter9 EVP Model ApplicationII:Simulation of Porewater pressure in Clay Underneath Tarsiout Island
Chapter10 An Extended 3-D EVP Model and Its Verification
Chapter11 Simulation of Consolidation Behaviour of a Test Embankment
Chapter12 Framework of a 3-D EVP Model for Anisotropically Consolidated Clay
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